Ridning är enkelt, DEL 1
Jag är en ryttare som inte bara vill veta VAD jag ska utan även HUR jag ska göra det.
Den enda tränare som faktiskt gjort på detta sätt är min gamla dressyrtränare Ann-Charlotte Larsson och det är väl därför, 5 år efter min första träning för henne, som hon fortfarande är oslagbar i mina ögon. Jag hoppas att jag en dag kan hitta en annan tränare som lär ut ridning på ett okomplicerat sätt, som bara säger hur jag faktiskt ska göra och tänka.
Tills vidare får jag helt enkelt läsa vidare, se videos på Marcus Ehning, inspireras och träna, träna, träna.
Här är några tips från Michael Pearce.
- You never want to get to the stage where yo are trying to physically manoeuvre the horse yourself. Make sure that your communication works effortlessly and that you don't need to ride with force and strength.
- Think abut riding as staying out of your horse's way a bit more. The more you interfere with was he's doing. the less responsible and less confident he'll become.
- The more you hold on to a horse, the more he'll hold on to you and rely on you to balance him. One of you has to let go, so if you want to avoid a life-long battle, MAKE IT YOU.
- When turning, just lift your inside hand.
If the horse overbend and starts to fall out through the outside shoulder, just rise the outside rein to bring that shoulder back in line.
The opposite applies if your horse falls in on a circle (falls onto his inside shoulder) just lift and open your outside rein away from his neck and bring him out."
- Move with the horse!
I'm sure we all have heard instructors telling us to sit still, yet if you think about it, sitting still on a moving horse is like asking someone to stand still on a boat in moving water- You lose balance!
On horseback you appear to sit still when you move with the horse and by letting go you will become freer and more relaxed." - The key to this is using just as little as you need. No more and no less.
Think of a man balancing a stick on the end of his finger. If he’s skilled at it it will look like he’s doing nothing when in fact he’s making lots of tiny adjustments all of the time. The unskilled man will be more obvious and erratic using much more movement and energy.